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Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Tasty Tropical Treats

I sat down this afternoon to create a handful of coconuts for some commissioned Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the cursed Island Food token sets, only to find that I had completely forgotten to restock my store of white polymer clay.

Oh no! Will our castaways have to go hungry this eve?
It appears not; Intrepid hunter-gatherer Reginald has returned from a day's foraging, arms piled with delicious ripe mangoes.
Hurrah for Reginald!

These will make a great sorbet.

Colourful ...and scrumptious.

I'm afraid it'll be back up those coconut palms tomorrow Reginald. No rest for the wicked.

These mangoes will be included as part of the fruit selection in my current food token packs.
Feel free to check out my other creations for Robinson Crusoe here.

Friday, 27 March 2015

A Damsel in Distress!

Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island ...is certainly the board game that 'never stops giving' when it comes to providing components ripe for pimpage.

Here are my latest hand-crafted polymer clay additions; the four Totem Tile locations for the Jenny Needs Help! scenario.

These four were a fabulously fun bunch to create, more than a little fiddly though ~ I must admit...

A pretty tragic looking set of locales.

A shot from above - viewed from the balloon before it's plummeting descent. 

The 'Slippery Rocks'...

One wrong step...

...could lead to a...

...nasty twisted ankle.

The 'Balloon Wreck'...

Around the world in 80 days?

Unfortunately not the case here.

The 'Cemetery'...

"They're coming to get you Barbara".

OK ...there are no zombies here. But it's a little unsettling nevertheless.

The 'Remains of Masts and Spars'...

It's a shame this wood's so waterlogged.

Oh well; at least the rope might come in handy.

The last remains of our ill-fated vessel...

...smashed upon the rocks.

I'm forever forgetting to show the actual size of these sculpts; this time though, I have remembered, and got them displayed upon the palm of my hand...

Do I have petite ...or gargantuan hands though?
Aaaaah ... foiled again! :(

Happy gaming!

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Dry as a Bone

I'm slowly working my way through the different Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island pieces. This time we have Wasteland markers for Robinson Family scenario.
I haven't had a chance to play this scenario yet, but it looks like the family will be having a hard time of it ~ At least they won't have to contend with any of those nasty cannibals, on that neighbouring island ;)

A dry and desolate place.

Well, at least there's something for the dog to chew on.

Fresh rain brings on new growth.

I took a few more shots ...but my focus was pretty shocking. I may take a few more pics when I give the scenario a run for it's money.


Sunday, 15 March 2015

A Storm's a Comin'

Taking a bit of a break from my usual wranglings to throw a splash of paint at some greenskin archers.

Just need a dose of varnish.

Strolling through French fields

High five!

2-stroke shields.

They're for an avid tabletop war-gaming mate who unfortunately couldn't make it down the island this weekend.
It appears he's a touch apprehensive regarding a certain encroaching patch of inclement weather ... and likely with good reason. Cyclone Pam (who was rather cruel to the unfortunate people of Vanuatu) is but a few hours north of us and coming our way.
Here's where she's sitting as I write this...

Lets hope the chap who put our house together knew what he was doing!

Well, time to batten down the hatches ~ fingers crossed I will post again soon ...gulp.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Food, Glorious Food!

I've Been hard at work creating some fresh snacks for my Robinson Crusoe: AotCI castaways.

Non-perishable food tokens now include the newly designed loaves, smoked fish and delicious cheese.

Fresh food tokens will contain fish, bananas, meat steaks and the new 'avian' drumstick; as well as the good ol' coconuts (newly sculpted coconuts still to be harvested).

A feast fit for a castaway king!

Why the dodo became extinct...

Who doesn't like the aroma of bread fresh out of the oven.

Smoked fish fillets ...nom nom nom.

Watch those pesky mice don't get it first.

Fire up the barbie, cobber!

A good source of potassium.

Bags not scaling this lot.

Feel free to check out my other sculpts for Robinson Crusoe: AotCI here.
Also, if you're interested in acquiring any of these delectable and lovingly hand-crafted morsels, just pm me your email and I'll be happy to flick you the details.
