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Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Portal Publishing Shout-out!

I was just scrolling down my Facebook page, as you do, and low and behold, what did I come across...
A video clip showing the author of Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island ... Ignacy Trzewiczek, along with what looked curiously like the Life Spinners I had designed for my copy of the game; which I also put up on the BoardGameGeek for download.

Actually, they looked more like the polish language versions I had made ...and as it turned out, yes, they were those very spinners!

Thank you!!! Mr Trzewiczek!

I've also a shot of the Life Spinners over on my Pimp my Game - Robinson Crusoe - Adventures on the Cursed Island page, if you'd like another peek.


Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Ye Gods ....It's Alive!

After a few years in the making, the Petty Gods: Revised & Expanded Edition is now in print, and in pdf for free download. A compendium of obscure deities and demigods, their minions and related artifacts and objet d'art.

Compiled from the writings and illustrations of many different authors and artists, this 370+ page tome is a fabulous resource for any fantasy RPG games-master.

Among the leaves of this hefty volume can be found a scattering of pictures by yours truly.
A few to be found...

Black as midnight on a moonless night, it's... Ixomant.

For that real Fear Factor, try a Churfaz smoothie.

Ogrimox ...I think it's time you started using 'head and shoulders'. 

U'illa ..."EEL!!!!!!!"

...and if you look closely within, you may even spot a few more.
