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Sunday, 25 September 2016

Is that a Trebuchet in your Pocket...?

The last pieces ...well, for now... pimping out a copy of Ignacy Trzewiczek's great game of siege warfare: Stronghold 2nd Edition.

The trebuchets were certainly another tricky build, involving many bakes and also some serious pinning manoeuvres in their assembly.

I think the orcs, trolls and goblins will be pretty stoked to have them in their arsenal; along with the previously unbased onagers - now all seated upon earthy plant and rock emblazoned pedestals.

Trebuchets and onagers complete.

Ready to sling some stones.

All mocked up.

I could already tell...

...this was going to be...

...a challenge.

Creating the first building blocks.

Two side braces.

Assembly begins.

Weighty weights.

Stage two... the weights and arms.

Arms assembled.

Holes drilled for some pinning.

At this point it actually swivelled on it's axle
like a bona fide trebuchet.

Slings added.

Almost done.

Wheels on; just basing to go.

I had left the onagers I had previously made without bases, planning to add them once the trebuchets were fully sculpted and ready to be based themselves. That time had come.

Previously unbased onagers; now complete.

The final war-machine group.

With over 60 hours put into this project, I have to say it's certainly been one of my lengthier commissions. As well as the 2 trebuchets and the 3 onagers shown here, there were also 3 ballistas, 3 mantlets, 3 siege towers, 9 cauldrons and 23 wall sections ...and there are still more possibilities for future additions.

A really enjoyable project; and one of the few I've created for a fellow Kiwi :)

Time to take a rest and put my feet up for a while, and take the school holidays easy ...well, actually ...no. I'm straight on into a bundle of Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island goodies for a particularly discerning gamer over in the UK. No rest for the wicked!

Happy gaming y'all.


Sunday, 18 September 2016

Onward, Onagers!

It was time for the orcs to get down to business; smashing that wall down was on the menu ... and the recipe was going to involve flying rocks. "Bring the onagers!" yelled the captain.

Further commissioned work on the Stronghold 2nd Edition pimp.
Onagers, the classic catapult, all but completed. Just the bases to create for them ...and I'll get those done when I also base the upcoming trebuchets I'll be working on over the next several days.

These pieces have had more steps in their assembly than anything previously made. Multiple sculpts, bakes, and assemblies of pieces. Pretty fiddly, but it all came together without any real hitches.

I feel they're going to look quite acceptable once their bases are on and they're out there on the board.

"For those about to rock..."

A mock-up in grey.

A few more the maquette; from above...

...the front...

...and the side.

Winch axle with rope.

Braces, winch axle and skein assembled.

Vertical braces.

Stop bars.

The basic frame assembled.

Well bound.

Spoons for the pebbles.

Almost ready for another assembly.

Winch handles.

Coming together.

Arms, rope bound and attached.

Just the wheels to go.

And completed ...phew.

Bases to be added shortly. :)

Next on the list are the trebuchets ... I have a feeling I have left the trickiest sculpt for last. Thank goodness I've had a little practice of late building war machines.

Further updates soon.


Saturday, 10 September 2016

Siege the Moment

Another update on my Stronghold 2nd Edition pimp.
I had a niggling feeling that something was missing from the war-machines ... then it came to me ... they needed to be based. Sure, they looked pretty tidy sitting on the board as is, but a base would give them a little more presence, and a more sturdy feel ... especially the mantlets with their long wooden arms at the rear.

Orcish siege towers, ready for the walls.

Goblinoid ballistas...

It's the pointy bit that you have to look out for!

Trollish mantlets...

Great for avoiding those ever-so-annoying sharp feathered sticks.

Cauldrons for the castle walls...

Ready to cook some dastardly invaders.

All based up and prepped for action.

No bases required.

The first shipment.

Will be onto the trebuchets and onagers soon ... watch this space ;)

Happy gaming!

Friday, 2 September 2016

I've a Ballista on my Finger

Further Stronghold 2nd Edition progress.
Time to send in some huge flying pointy things to knock them pesky tin cans off the walls.

A tricky build ... these Ballistas took several levels of construction with bakes in between; but it was certainly fun creating them and I am pretty chuffed with the result.

I think the Orcs will be smiling as they roll these up to the ramparts.

Small "giant" crossbows.

What scale are these? ...Greyscale.

A mock-up before the real machines roll out.

From the rear.

The platform takes shape.

Quality native timber.

Fine goblinoid workmanship.

The dangerous parts.

Under wraps for the evening - keep that evil dust at bay.

Mounted, and ready for...


...and cranks.

Final assembly about to begin.

And... done!

The three completed war-machine types so far. 

Now just (ha ha ...just) the Trebuchets and Onagers to go; well, for the goblinoid war-machine part of the project anyway. Time to sketch up some blueprints.

More Stronghold 2nd Edition pimpage coming soon.

Happy gaming!