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Monday, 4 August 2014

A Package for a Far-Away Land

Well, it's been a few days since my last post ... but I have been at least productive.
A lucky someone ...with a rather good taste in games (and art ... if I do say so myself) will be receiving a marker upgrade package in their mailbox in the near future for their copy of Robinson Crusoe: AotCI.

It's a little sad to see your creations you've spent so many hours on packaged up and sent off (to New Jersey in this case) ...but I am certain they will be well loved where they're going.

One of the pieces commissioned was the Shelter marker. For my copy of the game I made myself a leaf shelter, but I was requested to create one of fur. Even though I had made a fur shelter before (for my Shelter Building space) it didn't reduce the challenge of this sculpt ...it was a tricky little blighter.
I spent an afternoon making one that in the end I just wasn't totally happy with ~ I have kept it, but spent the next day working on another, which I was much happier with ...seen below.

A cosy place to spend the night

Throw another log on the fire

A smorgasbord of castaway delights

The full commission ~ off to a new home in the U S of A

Bundled up in bubble-wrap :)

Feel free to take a peek at the work I've done for my own copy of the RC:AotCI if you so desire.

Phew ... now I can relax for a few days and might actually get the chance to play a game or two and recharge the batteries ;)


  1. That is a whole funbag of awesomeness!

    1. Cheers ;)
      Fun indeed ... but I must say it's always a challenge making duplicates of your work ~ you'd think it would be easier, but having to match that first piece can be tricky ;p

  2. Rom, your work is always so amazing even though I see it a kazillion times. Hahaha
