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Saturday, 25 July 2015

Home wasn't built in a day.

Well, here it is ...the last piece in the Top-of-Board Marker Set that's about to head off to a new home in the UK.

This one's the Shelter Construction marker, for the Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island board game.

There's no place like home.

Snuggle down within and forget about all of your
castaway woes.

Fresh flowers right at the front door ...well, front flap.

Classy zebra-skin design ..it's so vogue right now.

I knew that volume on neck-tie knotting would come
in handy one day.

View from a neighbouring palm.

The full set, ready for packing.

Now, time to continue on with the set heading off to the US ... no rest for the wicked!

If you'd like, you can see more of my creations for the Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island board game here.

Happy gaming!

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Memento Mori

More commissioned work: This time it's the Weapon marker, also for the Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island board game.

If that troublesome wild llama manages to hoof and gnaw its way through your sturdily constructed palisade, you might just like to have something pointy and or choppy at hand; that's where these come in. Have at ye!

Also displaying the unfortunate castaway who was ill equipped
when the last rapacious llama made an appearance!

Don't be distracted by the pretty flora, that llama will be on you
like white on rice.

More items you'd be best not to try hurdling.

By the expression on that skull,
it doesn't look like his demise was a pleasant one.

I think he was getting a bit long in the tooth anyway.

Feel free to check out more of my Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island here.


Sunday, 19 July 2015

Another Brick, Er... Log, in the Wall

Another piece from a commission that will be heading off to a new home in Britain in the near future: The Palisade marker for the Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island board game.

If you want to keep those bothersome jaguars, bears, alligators, um ...wild llamas, and other vicious beasts from gnawing on your ankles in the early hours... this is what your castaways need to whip up!

Best not to try hurdling this one.

The mounted shield can also be used as an
hors d'oeuvre platter, when you have guests over.

More lashing than a frenzied flagellant.

Well worth the whittling.

More of my Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island board game playing piece sculpts can be found here.

Happy Gaming!


Thursday, 16 July 2015

The Curse that keeps on Giving...

Here are a few snaps of some of the pieces I've been making of late for a couple of Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island commissions.

Such fun sculpting these pieces ...adding some new details ~ like the carnivorous plant among the ruins; and even fully re-designed the cave, bones included, likely left by a lurking beastie.

...and I always forget just how tricky those larger structures are ...the morale, roof marker and such;
multiple bakes and much pulling of hair to construct those ones. Even through they are so vexatious, I still really enjoy creating them ...especially the moment they've been completed, ha ha.

The Underground Temple, Ruined Village, Cave and Small Temple.

All curious locales found on the dread Volcano Island.

A plethora of pieces, including Wood, Crates, Stones, piles of Ash
and Wasteland markers.

The Roof marker.

A good start...

...but I think a bit more work...

...is going to have to go into the hut...

...to keep you, your cup of tea and biscuits
from becoming drenched when the monsoon sets in.

At least you can try to keep your spirits up,
bathed in the warm glow of the Morale marker.

Well, there's much more to be done, so back to it. ;p

Feel free to peruse more of my RC:AotCI sculpts here.


Friday, 3 July 2015

Fabulous Fungi

Just when I was saying the castaways were overwhelmed with delicious foodstuffs and were all feeling rather stuffed, what do they come across... a patch of wild mushrooms.
These will make a tasty sauce to go with tonight's char-grilled dodo drumsticks ... yum!

...or maybe sautéed in butter with a sprinkling of cracked pepper and rosemary...

...served on some toasted slices of bread, the cook baked fresh this morning.

Delicious fungi from the field.

Well, these are certainly going to be the last 'new' pieces I make for a while.

I've got so many commissions I'm working on at the moment, and also very busy working on artworks for an upcoming exhibition, that I'm going to be unfortunately unable to take on any new commissions at this time.

If you are interested in having me create some sculpts for you, I shall be available for taking commissions again around October (likely closer to November).

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me though, at any time, if you'd like to put in an order for then. The best way is via my BoardGameGeek profile (you'll see a link on the right-hand side) ...as I find that Google+ and Blogger can be a bit flaky when it comes to message alerts.

If you're keen to see more of the pieces I have made for Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island, feel free to peruse them here.

Speaking of fungi; check out this new 28mm table-top war-game from Andrea Sfiligoi (designer of the amazing Song of Blades and Heroes), Fightin' Fungi; it certainly looks like a bit of fun.

Don't mess with these mushrooms!

Happy Gaming!

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Pineapple Express

Well, this is going to be the final tropical fruit to be added to the salad ...for now.
I think the castaways are appearing far too well fed ... and as many who have played Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island know, that is rarely the case.
The pineapple though, will be a rarity on this island, that's for sure.

Looking more like the bar top in a Tiki Bar.

Time for a Piña colada.

Grilled with a little cinnamon and raw sugar.

I think this one's a little over-ripe ...we'd better eat it quick!

If you'd like to see a few more of my Robinson Crusoe pieces, you can check them out here.
