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Friday, 3 July 2015

Fabulous Fungi

Just when I was saying the castaways were overwhelmed with delicious foodstuffs and were all feeling rather stuffed, what do they come across... a patch of wild mushrooms.
These will make a tasty sauce to go with tonight's char-grilled dodo drumsticks ... yum!

...or maybe sautéed in butter with a sprinkling of cracked pepper and rosemary...

...served on some toasted slices of bread, the cook baked fresh this morning.

Delicious fungi from the field.

Well, these are certainly going to be the last 'new' pieces I make for a while.

I've got so many commissions I'm working on at the moment, and also very busy working on artworks for an upcoming exhibition, that I'm going to be unfortunately unable to take on any new commissions at this time.

If you are interested in having me create some sculpts for you, I shall be available for taking commissions again around October (likely closer to November).

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me though, at any time, if you'd like to put in an order for then. The best way is via my BoardGameGeek profile (you'll see a link on the right-hand side) ...as I find that Google+ and Blogger can be a bit flaky when it comes to message alerts.

If you're keen to see more of the pieces I have made for Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island, feel free to peruse them here.

Speaking of fungi; check out this new 28mm table-top war-game from Andrea Sfiligoi (designer of the amazing Song of Blades and Heroes), Fightin' Fungi; it certainly looks like a bit of fun.

Don't mess with these mushrooms!

Happy Gaming!

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