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Friday, 4 March 2016

The Second Mouse gets the Cheese!

Another delicious smorgasbord of cheesy goodness; these sculpts off to a fine gaming home in the state of Colorado, in the U. S. of A.

It was great having the chance to do another Cheddar Golem, actually the first I've created since the one I made for my own set. I've gotta say I was really pleased with how this one turned out ... Even though I'm pretty happy with mine, this new one looks like his bigger, tougher, more handsome brother - all ready to head out and show some dirty rats what for!

"You talking to me? You talking to me?
Well I'm the only Cheddar Golem here".

A Fish Hook and Mousetraps were also in the bundle ...Alder floor boards and Cherry-wood traps.

Watch those fingers.

Let's catch ourselves some vermin.

Sizing up some foes; Filch keeping his distance... as per usual.

An aerial view.

The tail end.

You know what they say about Cheddar Golems with
stumpy cube-like fingers?


Neither do I.

Four Cheese Wheels, each consisting of six wedges, included ... I always get a little peckish when sculpting pieces for the Mice and Mystics board game; go figure. At one point I had to break out the Castello Creamy Blue, mmmmmmmm ... a very tasty number ~ I highly recommend it!

A selection of Blue, Brie, Swiss and Camembert.

All I need now is some wine and crackers.

A very caseous collection.

Farewell, my cheesy friends, travel well.

Happy gaming!


  1. Hi, I would love to order a complete set of your M&M minis if you're still making them. rod_farraway@hotmail.com
