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Tuesday, 28 June 2016

A Fair Dinkum Desert Island

Just had the pleasure of creating a selection of pieces for a gaming cobber from across the ditch.
More pieces for that ripper board game, Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island.

For this project I designed a brand new Morale marker. Instead of the 'Survivor Island' style torch, this time I thought I'd make one in the likeness of one of the Totems found in the game; pretty pleased with the result :)

I also made small tweaks to a few of the other pieces.

Will the stone god bring joy or dispair?

How did the natives move stones so large?

Delicious coconuts.

The freshest of fish.

Smoked fillets.

Hand polished to a smooth sheen :)

More food for the larder.

Hunting went well today!

Fine tanned leather pelts.

The variety of animals on this island is astounding,

Logs for the wood pile.

Shelter from the elements.

Palm leaves are great for keeping out the rain.

...and the green complements my eyes.

Lets hope it holds up in a storm.

If you'd like to check out more of my RC:AotCI sculpts ... you can view them out here.
Anyone interested in having pieces commissioned, feel free to fire me a message via the contact form on the right, and I'll send you my price-list and ordering info:)

Happy gaming!

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Steel and Lace

A couple of weeks back this commission arrived at it's destination in Paris.
I had been watching it's tracking like a hawk ...with all the flooding, strikes, petrol shortages, football rioting and such, that have been going on, I was quite concerned.
I was, to put it lightly, rather relieved to see the parcel finally signed for, upon delivery :)

The commission was for a bundle of pieces to be used with Ignacy Trzewiczek's amazing Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island board game.

The full haul.

Fire discovered!

Ashes at the campsite.

The usual suspects.

A palisade to keep out the wildlife.

A leafy roof to fend off the weather.

Protection from the elements.

Hunting a-plenty was required.

There's no place like home.

Morale was high.

A verdant land.

Tools of the trade.

The huntsman's friend.

Alas poor Yorick...

Food glorious food.

A banquet fit for a castaway.

A good day's hunting.

The variety of animals to be found is amazing!

I hunt to survive,

Wood! ...

Well stacked.

The mother-load.

Anyone interested in having pieces commissioned, feel free to drop me a message via the contact form on the right, and I'll send you my price-list and ordering info:)

Happy gaming!