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Pimp my Game

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Steel and Lace

A couple of weeks back this commission arrived at it's destination in Paris.
I had been watching it's tracking like a hawk ...with all the flooding, strikes, petrol shortages, football rioting and such, that have been going on, I was quite concerned.
I was, to put it lightly, rather relieved to see the parcel finally signed for, upon delivery :)

The commission was for a bundle of pieces to be used with Ignacy Trzewiczek's amazing Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island board game.

The full haul.

Fire discovered!

Ashes at the campsite.

The usual suspects.

A palisade to keep out the wildlife.

A leafy roof to fend off the weather.

Protection from the elements.

Hunting a-plenty was required.

There's no place like home.

Morale was high.

A verdant land.

Tools of the trade.

The huntsman's friend.

Alas poor Yorick...

Food glorious food.

A banquet fit for a castaway.

A good day's hunting.

The variety of animals to be found is amazing!

I hunt to survive,

Wood! ...

Well stacked.

The mother-load.

Anyone interested in having pieces commissioned, feel free to drop me a message via the contact form on the right, and I'll send you my price-list and ordering info:)

Happy gaming!

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