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Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Back in the Dungeon!

It seems like only mere days have passed since Darcy Perry of Star Hat Miniature's first amazingly successful KickStarter project, and already another is up and running ...and half way to its goal in little more than a day, if that.

Delvers Lost in the Dungeons of Doom! 2 is here, sporting a range of sweet new miniatures to suit your table-top RPG adventuring needs.

So far we have the below party of shady individuals, but I have a feeling we will be seeing more in the mix when those Stretch Goals start appearing and that Epic Pledge is snatched up.

From Chomsky the psychotic chainsaw-wielding gnome,
to Brynhildr the cross-dressing elven axe-man/maiden;
never a group of adventurers of more dubious morals has been known.

And then there's St. Andre Troll,
a fine shout out to Kenneth Eugene St. Andre, author of the superb Tunnels & Trolls RPG!
Watch that hammer!

So if you want in on some of this awesome heroic-scale fantasy pewter miniature action, head over now to Darcy's Delvers Lost in the Dungeons of Doom! 2 KickStarter page and get in on one of the pledges. You won't regret it.



  1. Thanks Rom! You're a living legend!

    1. Ha ha, not at all; I think what's legendary are these figures of yours! :)
