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Monday, 15 August 2016

A Star Hat has Risen!

Great news! Darcy Perry's "Delvers Lost in the Dungeons of Doom!" Kickstarter has been funded.
There's still time to get in on it - and secure yourself this lineup of superb Heroic Scale miniature figurines, to be cast in cold hard metal, for your fantasy gaming table.

Did I mention it's been FUNDED!

A second Legendary Level Pledge has been acquired, so a new hero is being created by Mr Perry (check out his blog: Hits to Kill) at his sculpting table - that will become available to several of the backing pledge levels; Garm of Hrothmyr - Berserker Theologian...


The first push-goal sculpt is also in the making; Playing soon at a good port tavern near you: Allysia - Pirate Bard...

She can surely cut a fine tune.

I'm certainly looking forward to seeing these new pieces.

Congratulations Darcy on a successful Kickstarter!


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