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Thursday, 4 August 2016

Shooting for the Stars!

I have to say Darcy Perry's amazing Delvers Lost in the Dungeons of Doom! Kickstarter is coming along wonderfully.

Just 1 week in and it's reached 70% of it's goal.

Star Hat Miniatures: Heroic Scale Metal Figurines for RPGs -- Kicktraq Mini

Darcy has sculpted a superb selection of heroic-scale table-top miniatures for your dungeon crawling pleasure. And I just can't wait to see them in metal!

Here are a few of the brave band, ready for action...

Fighting Man, Finn ...just don't irritate his Axe.

Ser Holger - the eternally vigilant Paladin.

The ever-so-stealthy Assassin ...Hanzo.

One of the 5 Legendary Hero pledges has already been snatched up, which means a custom sculpt - sculpted to the pledger's specifications - is in the making and going to be added to the line-up, and will be available to all pledgers...

Father Alucard - Legendary Hero!
Sketched by Kevin Briones.

If you want to be one of the lucky few having your own custom creation sculpted by Mr Perry, you may not want to dally.

You can find updates and info regarding the Delvers Lost in the Dungeons of Doom! Kickstarter on the Star Hat Miniatures Facebook page, and also more of Darcy's fine work on his blog: Hits To Kill.

Happy Gaming!

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